<aside> 💡 Example OKRs


Back up council members: President

OKRs Q1 - Jan/Feb/Mar

  1. Execute Symposium with 100 physical attendances including 4 potential CPs
  2. Secure Council Member roles for following year
  3. Be present at key meetings: MTW, March Meetings & GA (including compliance)
  4. Codification, onboarding & process development & knowledge management
  5. 1 central communication every 2 weeks

OKRs Q2 - April/May/June

  1. Secure the Local Chapter Coordinators
  2. Support the GA week preparation
  3. Set dates / locations / sponsor for council meeting 2 and Symposium
  4. Run a successful hand-over and Council Meeting 1

OKRs Q3 - July/August/September

  1. Support the GA week preparation
  2. (N) Represent UAA successfully at GA Week (run UAA events, connect with CPs, students, alumni and LOCs)
  3. Secure the Local Chapter Coordinators